Our pastor preaches inspiring, relevant messages of grace and love each Sunday.
Below are the most recent sermons if you would like to view them.
We invite you to worship with us anytime.
All are welcome.

See other sermons as far back as 12/31/2017

These are Sermons where there were technical difficulties and published to a different account than PRUMC

Holy Communion

We celebrate Holy Communion every week during worship. Holy Communion (also referred to as the Lord’s Supper or The Eucharist) is a sacrament; meaning it is an act of worship that was ordained by Christ and is a “means of grace,” a channel by which we receive God’s love and grace.
All Are Welcome Holy Communion is a family meal: all who intend to lead a Christian life, together with their children (including young children), are welcome and invited to receive the bread and cup. You do not have to be a member of this church or any church to share in this gift from God. There is no obligation, but if you wish to be closer to God, we invite you to come and experience the presence of Jesus Christ in these elements of bread and “wine” and the fellowship around Christ’s Table.
How We “Do Communion” We serve Communion by the ancient means of “intinction,” which is a fancy word for saying that we receive Communion by dipping bread in wine/grape juice. As is the custom of Methodist Churches, we serve unfermented grape juice in the place of wine out of respect for those who struggle with alcohol addiction or who abstain for other reasons. This is done so as to be inclusive to all God’s people.
Communion is celebrated near the end of worship and children participating in Children’s Church are escorted back into the sanctuary so they may receive communion with their families.
When Coming For Communion Here are some tips as you prepare to receive Communion with us at Pearl River Methodist:
  • After a prayer of consecration over the Communion elements (the bread and cup) our pastors will invite everyone to come  forward to be served.
  • When you come forward, bread will be placed in your hand.
  • Then, you will dip the bread in the cup and eat.
When given bread:
  • The server will offer words of affirmation, such as “The body of Christ, broken for you” or “The bread of life given for you.”
When given the cup:
  • The server will offer words of affirmation, such as “The cup of salvation” or “The blood of Christ shed for you.”
  • You can be silent and not say anything or,
  • You can say, “Amen” or,
  • You can say, “Thanks be to God!” or,
  • You may also say whatever the Spirit leads you to say.
  • After receiving you may return to your seat.
Please note:
Our Pastor and communion servers handling the bread sanitize their hands upon arrival at the altar table. At PRMC all are invited to serve communion. If you are interested in serving, please contact our Lay Leader, Kirby Craddock, or the Pastor.

Children’s Church

We love children, and we welcome you and your family to worship.  Just before services start, the Children’s Church leaders will escort them to the Agape Center next-door for Children’s Church, where they continue to deepen their understanding of God and form friends in the faith. Children are brought back into the sanctuary at the end of the service so they can share Communion with their church family. There are times during service, when the children, will show us what they have learned and sometimes they even do our service.  It is a program where children are eager to return. We also have a nursery in the Agape Center for our littlest disciples.

Stay tuned!!! This page has more to come


Children are precious to us at Pearl River Methodist Church. We strive to make our nursery fun and stimulating for even the youngest child coming through our door. Trained childcare volunteers, who are members of our congregation, are ready to offer loving care for children, birth through 2 years of age. Our nursery is housed in the Agape Center nursery, which is in the building to the left of the sanctuary, if you are in the parking lot.
We love having children in worship with us, and welcome you to include your children in the worship experience. However, we also know how helpful a nursery can be for little ones, who need to move around and play. While we realize it can be difficult to leave your child in the care of others, we want to assure you that your child is in kind, loving hands.
Our nursery is a bright and warm environment for your little one to play and grow. We offer a loving, Christian atmosphere. Our nursery is safe, fun and filled with age-appropriate toys, games and books.